All I can taste is blood my body was moving like a worm in shock and when I looked up he was lying there.Then boom! bang! we both picked up our wands then zap! we both shot magic stuff out of our wands and into the middle,Then pow! I could feel the power hitting against my chest.While I was shooting magic I could feel blood dropping from my face and my face was getting bright red.
My hands was getting sweaty and the dirt started to mix I with the sweat.Then boom! We stopped it was so quiet I couldn't hear anything.Then zap! I shot magic at the same time and I could feel all the power coming out of the wand and into the middle.
Pow! i shot Voldemort wand out of his greasy hand then something weird was happening to Voldemort so I took a step back. black dust started to come out his eyes started to flake and he started to disappear.I was feeling angry and sad.When he was gone I grabbed the wand and walked to the end of the castle and threw the wand off the cliff.
One week has passed my friends and I threw a party at Hogwarts to celebrate that Voldemort had died we were all happy,yay!